FinDec is a retirement planning, insurance services, and wealth management company with offices all over the US. They are partners with Charles Schwab to provide retirement investment management to their clients. Their growth, accompanied with aging 3rd-party software options created a real problem. The only way out seemed to be to hire more data entry people to handle the load. We came up with a solution that required zero new hires.

FinDec needs to connect to the payroll systems for all 500+ of their clients to get financial contribution data. Each client had different payroll providers, configurations, and challenges. Until recently, the only way to get that data from payroll systems to FinDec's was largely manual.
We used our Core as an autonomous middle-man taking data, via API, from 180+ payroll systems. We then wrote systems to take that data to Charles Schwab and Salesforce's systems to be processed, debited, and invested. The entire process now runs from A-Z without any human interaction.